Consultancy for Develop the Community-based child protection strategy document (CBCPS), including content, methodology and guidelines



Consultancy for Develop the Community-based child protection strategy document (CBCPS), including content, methodology and guidelines





Almost half (46%) of Timor-Leste’s population is under the age of 18. Where data is available, levels of physical, sexual, and emotional violence against boys and girls are extremely high. Girls and boys face different risks to different forms of violence.  In Timor-Leste, boys are more likely to experience physical violence in the form of gang fighting and bullying, including peer-to-peer fighting through “Martial Arts” Gangs. Girls are more likely to experience sexual violence and harassment, almost 10% of girls and 7% of boys report having experienced sexual violence in school settings. Data on current levels of violence against children is limited at the national level, but a 2019 survey by Asia Foundation reports that 72% of adult women and 87% of men in Dili have experienced childhood physical or sexual violence. This highlights that violence in Timor-Leste is widespread.


The Government Timor-Leste (GoTL), whilst a relatively young country, acknowledges its child rights obligations, evidenced through their endorsements of child rights conventions and establishment of legal frameworks and policies dedicated to fulfilling these obligations.  This includes the significant steps taken to establish a National Child Protection (CP) system to adequately prevent and respond to violence against children. 


The compressive mapping and assessment of the existing CP System in 2010, resulted in the legislation of the 2016 Child and Family Welfare Policy. Yet despite this dedicated policy, significant challenges remain in ensuring the care and protection of girls and boys through a systems-based approach.  


The Child and family welfare system (CFWS) policy provides an adapted, more culturally relevant approach to the delivery of services to families and children and standardizes work requirements for both government and non-government social welfare workers. Within the document, one key government commitment was to encourage community-based programmes aimed at preventing and addressing domestic violence, child abuse and neglect. 


Currently, the child and family welfare system (referred to as the ‘formal’ CP system) sits parallel to the community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPM) commonly accessed by children, families, and communities. Consequently, child protection services are inconsistent, inequitable, and not always aligned with rights-based standards and approaches.


Through this program, Plan International Timor-Leste (PITL), in consultation with key national, municipal, and community stakeholders, will coordinate the development of a community-based child protection strategy (CBCPS) that will empower local communities with knowledge, tools, and support to better protect children.


Objective of the consultancy:


Develop the document of the Community-based Child Protection Strategy (CBCPS) to enhance the communities’ capacities to prevent and respond to violence against children and women. Based on the current existing best practice prevention approaches in Timor-Leste, and informed by Global frameworks and guidelines, the document of the CBCPS need to  include: the policy, main concept, outputs, implementation procedures and mythology, toolkit, training materials and ToT module, monitoring framework and guidelines.


Develop a package of behaviour change materials that constitutes the “community-based child protection toolkit,” which provides materials and tool to promote, prevent and refer violence against  children and women.


The strategy needs to consolidate information on existing prevention and behaviour change strategies, violence prevention intervention, community response to violence against children among other interventions and experience in Timor-Leste.


Timeframe (proposed)


The duration of the develop document is 20 days (starting from October 04th , 2021, and the final report to submit no later than Oct 29th , 2021).



The consultant will be based in Dili and have a possibility to visit Municipality which decided by Program team to conduct discussion with the relevant stake holders including Panel advisory committee (PAC)


Target Audience


The target audience for the CBCPS document draft are:

  • Technical support from Plan International Australia, Plan International Timor-Leste, UNCEF in Timor-Leste and the Child Protection Specialist of the Regional Office of Plan International
  • National and Municipality Government Institution: (Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), Child Right Commission (CRC), Vulnerable Person Unit (VPU), Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Management (MSATM), official of Child Protection (OCP) Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Justice (MoJ)
  • Administrator of Municipality, Post administrator of Municipality, Chief of Village, Official of Village Police (OVP), CBCPMs Groups in Ainaro, Girls Alliance Youth movement and National Youth parliament, Faiths leader group
  • CSO’s Child Protection Networks in Timor-Leste:  e.g. Child Fund Timor-Leste (CFTL), Word Vision Timor-Leste (WVTL), Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF), Asisténsia Legal ba Feto no Labarik (ALFeLa), etc


Scope & approach


The Consultancy will

  • Conduct a Literature develop and review based on existing global and local violence against children prevention approaches, strategies and practices, including those targeting marginalized groups such as women and girls with disabilities, women and girls from rural areas
  • Work with the core team from program implementation organize, develop content, methodology and guidelines as guidance for data collection
  • Collect experiences in implementing Violence against children prevention programs, both successful and unsuccessful examples, to draw lessons learnt through online survey, focused group discussions, interviewees the key violence against children actors and relevant organization and key actors in municipalities 
  • With Ministry Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), an online database of Violence against children approaches and tools that is innovative, user-friendly and accessible to all interested stakeholders are developed as One-Stop Resource Hub.
  • Mapping about what type of people is needed to be influencers, such as political leaders and local leaders, as well as project models that have engaged these potential influencers in before
  • With program team conduct validation workshop to share the findings from the analysis and present CBCPS to PAC for review and finalization for pilot with the participating organizations and relevant stakeholder
  • Regularly communication with PAC and advisory committee
  • Define and analyse existing Community-Based Child Protection Mechanism (CBCPM) and their connection to the formal child and family welfare system.




Based on the current existing best practices and prevention approaches in Timor-Leste, and  informed by Global frameworks and guidelines, the final document of the CBCPS will include: 

  • Executive Summary
  • Concepts
  • Outputs
  • Content (Curricula)
  • Methodology, Implementation procedure
  • Community-based child protection toolkit, a package of behaviour changes materials, tools, guidelines, and activities to promote, prevent and refer violence against  children and women.
  • Training Materials and ToT module
  • Monitoring frameworks and guidelines
  • Develop Case Study from community consultation
  • Recommendations or lessons learnings 
  • Conclusion and risk analysis
  • Annexes






Consultant Days

Timeframe 2021

Desk Review and project briefing


MSSI, Plan, Unicef




Conduct literature develop and review



Draft of literature review, existing pathway,



Discussion literature develop and review with core team and PAC



Tools for interview, FDG, Survey



Data collecting



Facilitate FDG, interview, Survey, online database



Mapping about potential influencers



List name of potential influencers



Presentation the result of mapping, including result of literature to the core team and PAC



Result of mapping and literature



Develop and design the CBCPS document



Document of the CBCPS and CBCPM



First draft the CBCPS and  Share to the team (core team and PAC)



CBCPS document and CBCPM



Gathering the result of the document CBCPS and CBCPM



Comment and feedback



Validation Workshop



Study findings document



Final documents



Including clean, data sets, response to review and feedback



Total days





Travel will be mostly by vehicle which will be arranged by Plan TL. 


Payments will be based on:

  • For full payment by the submission of the final document
  • ubmission of invoice for services based on timesheet. Or otherwise, would be negotiated before the contract signing.

Qualifications of Consultant

Formal qualifications (required):

  • Masters level degree (or undergraduate level coupled with appropriate practical experience) in a relevant field, such as Social and culture, international development, IEC Material Development, Facilitation Capacity on material development related to children’s and human rights, etc.

Practical skills and experience (Required):

  • Demonstrable expertise in education relevant to development studies, child protection issue , social studies.
  • Demonstrable experience (3-5 years) in designing and conducting child rights or child protection program literature review, including use of both qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Understanding of country level policies and context, framework and strategy on child protection Prevention
  • Ability to meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback appropriately and in a timely manner
  • Excellent report writing skills in English and Strong analytical skills
  • Excellent and demonstrated understanding of Child Protection and Safeguarding, Gender sensitive approach to data collection and analysis, and ethical issues in research
  • Demonstrable expertise on Focus Discussion Group (FDG), interview   

To apply

Plan International welcomes applications from qualified applicants or consultancy firms and hopes that the successful candidate can start by 04 October, 2021.


All interested candidates should to submit a proposal for comparison in English describing their suitability based on the above required qualifications and experiences, below are the require documents: 

  • Detailed proposal on methodology, principles and approach that will be used to achieve the purpose/objectives of this Consultancy work
  • Past experience of similar work
  • Recent Curriculum Vitae, 2 referees and if possible 
  • Detailed time lines for work
  • Budget details submission


Applications must be submitted electronically to and Copy to by Monday, September 20, 2021

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