Senior Programme Manager (National)
HANDS Early Childhood Education Programme, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport
HANDS is a Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport programme to improve Early Childhood Education (ECE) access, quality and management. HANDS started in 2015 and will continue until 2026. The Ministry receives substantial technical support and funding from the New Zealand Government. This support is coordinated by Grow HR International (Grow) which recently undertook a review of the management structure and established a new position of Senior Programme Manager (National).
The Senior Programme Manager is responsible for the overall management of HANDS programme activities to ensure resources are used properly and integrated into Ministry planning and projects. They will lead and support the team to think creatively, identify opportunities, resolve problems and manage risk in a dynamic working environment. They will support and promote equal opportunities for Grow staff to develop their talents, the capabilities of our counterparts to manage the ECE sub-sector, accountability in the workplace and recognition of good work performance.
We are recruiting an experienced national manager that has strong organisational and communication skills and attention to detail to ensure planned activities are effectively and efficiently implemented. They will be creative, persistant, resourcefull and able to solve problems in a pressured environment. Oral and written communications skills in English and Tetum are essential and Portuguese is highly desirable. Ideally they will have five years professional experience in an international organisation and preferably in the education sector. Women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to apply: To obtain the application form and instructions on how to apply, email your name and phone number to
Application deadline: 24 May, 2022
Jerente Seniór Programa (Nasionál).
Programa Edukasaun Infantil HANDS, Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu
HANDS hanesan Programa Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu atu hadi’ak asesu, kualidade no jestaun Edukasaun Infantil HANDS komesa iha 2015 no sei kontinua to’o 2026. Ministériu hetan apoiu tékniku no fundu substansiál hosi Governu Nova Zelándia. Apoiu ne’e kordena hosi Grow HR International (Grow) ne’ebé foin lalais ne’e hala’o revizaun ba jestaun estrutura no estabelese pozisaun foun Jerente Seniór Programa (Nasionál).
Jerente Seniór Programa sei responsavel ba jestaun enjerál atividade programa HANDS atu asegura rekursu sira uza ho didi’ak no integradu iha Ministériu nia planeamentu no projetu sira. Sira sei lidera no apoiu ekipa ne’e atu hanoin kreativu, identifika oportunidade sira, rezolve problema no jere risku sira iha ambiente serbisu ne’ebé dinámiku. Sira sei apoiu no promove oportunidade iguál ba pesoál Grow atu dezenvolve sira-nia talentu, abilidade hosi ami-nia parseiru relevante sira hodi jere sub-setór Edukasaun Infantil, responsabilidade iha ambiente serbisu no rekonesimentu kona-ba dezempeñu servisu ne’ebé di’ak.
Ami halo rekrutamentu ba jerente nasionál esperiénte ida ne’ebé iha abilidade organizasionál no komunikasaun no atensaun ba detallu atu asegura atividade planeadu sira implementa ho efetivu no efisiente. Sira sei kreativu, persisténsia, abilidade atu ultrapasa difikuldade sira no abilidade atu rezolve problema sira iha ambiente ida ho presaun. Abilidade komunikasaun orál no eskrita iha lian Inglés no Tetum importante tebes no lian Portugés dezejavel tebes. Idealmente sira tenki iha esperiénsia profesionál durante tinan lima iha organizasaun internasionál ida no prefere liu iha setór edukasaun. Enkoraja liu ba feto no ema ho nesesidade espesiál sira atu aplika
Oinsá atu Aplika: Atu hetan formuláriu aplikasaiun no instrusaun sira kona-ba oinsá atu aplika, email ita-boot nia naran no númeru telemovel ba