Consultancy - Technical Support for Development of Data, Materials, etc. on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Accessible Formats
To address the global challenges of Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG), the European Union (EU) and the United Nations have partnered on a new multi-year programme, the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative. The Spotlight Initiative aims to support transformative change on the ground to end violence against women and girls. The overall vision of the Spotlight Initiative in Timor-Leste is that women and girls enjoy their right to a life free of violence, within an inclusive and gender equitable Timor-Leste. The programme is aligned to the Timor-Leste “National Action Plan on Gender-based violence (2017-2021) and National SDG Roadmap, particularly on SDGs 5 and 16. It will contribute to the National Strategic Development Plan and reinforce Timor-Leste’s Development Plan and reinforce Timor-Leste’s implementation of commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action, the Concluding Observations of the CEDAW Committee, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, among other international obligations.
The program was globally launched in 2017 and began implementation in Timor-Leste in 2020. There are five UN agencies participating in the Timor-Leste Spotlight Initiative. There are the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) provides overall strategic oversight and coordination for the Spotlight Initiative within the UN, with UN Women acting as the Technical Lead
To address these issues, Plan International Spotlight Initiative for a one year project to develop a methodology and guidance on prevention of violence against women and girls based on global evidence and best practices and underpinned by a human rights-based approach that places equality, integrity, agency and autonomy at the centre of prevention efforts and seeks to empower of women and girls with increased capacities to claim their rights and identify the central role of men and boys in promoting gender equality and positive masculinities.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of a national evidence-based strategy to promote gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviours. Its specific objective is to build Timor-Leste contextualized user-friendly and innovative knowledge products on promising approaches to prevent VAWG as well as develop tools on how to apply knowledge and create agreement about key principles amongst key prevention actors such as government, CSOs, and development partners. The project will set up mechanisms to promote coordination and collaboration among stakeholders; and contribute to comprehensive national behaviour change strategies that work across the ecological model.
RESPECT is one of the tools used to analyze and program link with violence against women and girls across the world. Based on the principles of respect and equality, and lessons learned from evidence-based results on what works in preventing violence from occurring and recurring, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Women, in collaboration with ten other UN, bilateral, and multilateral agencies, have developed “RESPECT Women: Preventing violence against women”. This publication provides a comprehensive framework to inform policy makers and implementers about designing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating interventions and programmers on preventing and responding to violence against women.
The framework outlines seven inter-related
intervention strategies derived from the word “respect”:1)
Relationship’s skills strengthened; 2) Empowerment of women; 3) Services
ensured; 4) Poverty reduced; 5) Environments made safe; 6) Child
and adolescent abuse prevented and 7) Transformed attitudes, beliefs
and norms. Underpinning the publication’s methodology is the realization
that ending violence against women begins with RESPECT and a collective
commitment to act today. To learn more, please
access the link:
The project has recruited a consultant to conduct literature review, consultation with prevention actors, and a validation workshop. An assessment report has been developed which includes recommendations on best practice, tools and approach in prevention programming in Timor-Leste. The project will continue to utilize the existing material that prevention actors have provided. In addition, the second consultant will focus on creating information in accessible formats (in terms of style, language and presentation) such as visuals or video, including an online one stop database (resource hub), for prevention actors in Timor-Leste.
The Project also will consolidate promising prevention approaches into innovative and accessible formats such as visual representations, info graphics, videos, etc.
The project will contribute to the development the next National Action Plan on Gender Based Violence (NAP) (2021-2025) and produce guidance materials for prevention. The project team will participate in the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion’s (SEII) evaluation of the current NAP, consultation to develop the new NAP, and assess current and possible prevention approaches. The project will contribute to knowledge sharing related to prevention at individual, inter-personal, institution and societal levels.
Objective of the Consultancy
To consolidate information on existing prevention and behavior change strategies and materials in Timor-Leste in an accessible format (in terms of style, language and presentation such as visuals or video, including online, for prevention actors in Timor-Leste)
To achieve those goals above, this project needs a consultant:
- To develop products related to prevention of violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and products based on the RESPECT framework for Timor-Leste.
- To upload information to an online platform (such as Google Drive) and create a database which will be shared publicly with all interested stakeholders
Timeframe (proposed)
October 8 – November 22, 2021
The consultant will be based in Dili. Any travel to the Municipalities to discuss with relevant stakeholders will be decided by the Spotlight team, and will need to be compliant with COVID 19 health protocols.
Scope & approach
The Consultant will:
- Create information in accessible formats (in terms of style, language and presentation) such as Case Studies, visuals or video, including online, for prevention actors in Timor-Leste
- Work together with the project team to provide technical support to consolidate and develop the products
- Consult with SEII regarding an online database (a One-Stop Resource Hub) of EVAWG approaches and tools that is innovative, user-friendly and accessible to all interested stakeholders is developed
- Coordinate and collaborate with the key prevention actors such as the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Alola Foundation as the lead organization for the Prevention Pillar of NAP-GBV, Rede Feto, international organizations supporting prevention work in Timor-Leste, and other Spotlight activities related to behavior change and messaging on violence against women and girls.
- Develop tools or guidance to access on online database One Stop Online Data and key prevention actors and stakeholders’ media platforms
- Organize and Upload the Data an online platform (such as Google Drive). This information will be shared publicly with all interested stakeholders through Plan’s and UN Women’s Facebook page, website, etc
- Create accessible format for VAWG Prevention materials
- Develop Various tools based on consultation. These will be approved by the Spotlight Initiative Technical Unit and the Plan Spotlight team
- Develop online platform for sharing data
- Organize and Upload the Data in online platform
- Consultation with other Spotlight implementing partners to develop and finalize materials
Task |
Lead |
Support |
Deliverable |
Consultant Days |
Timeframe 2021 |
Update from Project team |
Plan Spotlight team |
Plan TL |
1 |
October 8, 2021 |
Create information in accessible formats (in terms of style, language and presentation) such as Case Studies, visuals or video, including online, for prevention actors in Timor-Leste
Consultant |
Plan TL |
Materials |
6 |
October 12-18, 2021 |
Work together with the project team to provide technical support to consolidate and develop the product |
Team and Consultant |
Plan TL |
Materials |
5 |
October 19-25, 2021 |
Consult with SEII regarding an online database (a One-Stop Resource Hub) of EVAWG approaches and tools that is innovative, user-friendly and accessible to all interested stakeholders is developed as. |
Consultant |
Plan TL & SEII |
Discussion |
3 |
October 26-28, 2021 |
Develop tools or guidance to access on One Stop Online Data and key prevention actors and stakeholders’ media platforms |
Consultant |
Plan TL |
Delivered the result |
5 |
October 29 – November 3-8, 2021 |
Organize and Upload the Data in online platform |
Consultant |
Plan TL |
Materials |
5 |
November 9-15, 2021 |
Final Report |
Consultant |
Plan TL |
Including clean data sets, response to review and feedback |
5 |
November 16-22, 2021 |
Total days |
30 |
Travel, if necessary, will be arranged by Plan TL.
Table of Payment Schedule
Milestone |
Details |
Amount to be paid % |
Expected timeframe |
Tranche 1
Consultant fee on plan approval of inception Report |
30% |
Tranche 2
Consultant fee on key delivery accessible format and develop one stop for online |
30% |
Tranche 3 |
Consultant’s fee on Plan approval of final Report on 21th |
40% |
- The consultant should submit the invoice annex with timesheet
- Consultant will pay 10% of tax based on Timor Leste Law
Qualifications of Consultant
Formal qualifications (required):
- Masters level degree (or undergraduate level coupled with appropriate practical experience) in a relevant field, such as Social Work, Social Services, Sociology, Psychology, international development, IEC Material Development.
- Facilitation of training events, material development related to women’s and human rights
Practical skills and experience (Required):
- Demonstrable expertise in EVAWG issues
- Fluency in written and spoken Tetum
- Experience in layout and development of written materials, including experience in using publishing software
- Experience in storing and presenting materials in an online format in an organized and accessible way
- Demonstrable experience (3-5 years) in designing and conducting data collection
- Performance of team leader functions in a similar assignment
- Ability to meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback appropriately and in timely manner
- Strong analytical skills
- Excellent report writing skills in English
- Demonstrated understanding of Child Protection and Safeguarding, Gender
- sensitive approaches to data collection and analysis, and ethical issues in Research